Sound And Light Training
SALT Manual

by Ken Ellis
(last update 2001-05-19 - Ken Ellis)

5. Components of a Sound System - Sound Source

When it comes to sound systems, all of the sources for sound fall into one of two main categories: a) Electrical sound sources and b) Acoustic sound sources.

Electrical sound sources are those where the sound originates as an electrical wave generated by some piece of electrical equipment. Examples of Electrical sound sources include: recorded sound (CD, record, or cassette tape player) and electronic instruments (keyboard, electric guitar, electric drums, etc.). Many Electronic sound sources cannot be heard at all without the aid of a sound system.

Acoustic sound sources are those which naturally make sound that can be heard (at least to some degree) without a sound system. Examples of Acoustic sound sources include: voices (talking or singing) and acoustic instruments (acoustic guitar, horns, drums, etc.).

Below, we will discuss the various ways to connect Electronic and Acoustic and sound sources to a sound system:

Before we complete the discussion of sound sources, there are some related areas we should discuss:

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